Newborn photography retouching – behind the scenes | Washington D.C. newborn photographer

Newborn photography retouching – behind the scenes

I am a professional newborn photographer in the Washington, D.C. area (Potomac, MD) specializing in custom fine art newborn and children’s portraits.  As most of you would likely surmise, that means that I get to spend a good deal of my time snuggling and photographing brand new babies.  (Best job ever!)  What might be less obvious, however, is the fact that I actually spend far more time each week engaging in behind-the-scenes work than I do pressing the shutter button on my camera.  Wholly separate from the plethora of responsibilities associated with running a small business — which is a topic for another blogpost —  there is quite a bit of “invisible” work that goes into creating the newborn portraits that I ultimately deliver to my clients, ranging from the styling and set up for each session to the final editing and retouching of images.

A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a non-photographer friend about my work schedule, and she expressed surprise regarding the amount of time that I devote to each of my portrait sessions and, more particularly, to the post-processing of images from each session. It occurred to me then that there is no reason why anyone other than a newborn photographer would be familiar with the work associated with editing and retouching newborn images.  After all, many moons ago, before I was a photographer, I just assumed that photographers could upload images to Photoshop, push a button, and voila – perfect portraits! I was pretty disappointed to learn that Photoshop doesn’t actually work that way. 😉  In any event, I thought that some of you might be interested in a little behind-the-scenes peek into the world of newborn photography retouching.

Depending on the extent of retouching required, I might spend anywhere from 5 minutes to 40 minutes editing one single image! Why?

All newborns are perfect, but NO newborn has perfect skin. The vast majority of newborns have uneven skin tones and areas of redness or splotches; many have acne or eczema; many have flaky skin.  And newborns quite commonly have tiny fingers and toes that, while impossibly adorable, are also shades of purple, red, and gray.

newborn photography retouching - after photo showing removal of baby acne and redness

And, on occasion, I might go just a little bit crazy with my camera angle, and need to correct the image accordingly (including extension of the background).

In addition, little fixes — such as the removal of visible portions of a baby’s diaper — are often required.  Although I try to ensure that everything is as close to perfect as possible before I push the shutter button to capture the photo, sometimes a correction during the session isn’t worth the risk of waking the baby.

After viewing the above image, you might ask why I don’t just remove the baby’s actual diaper and forego the potential of having to edit out portions of the diaper in the final image….
Diaper lines imprinted on baby’s skin! 🙂

newborn photography retouchingAnd, finally, there are particular poses and particular situations in which I have an assistant monitor or support the baby for safety reasons. As should be the case with any newborn photographer, my absolute highest priority during any newborn session is the safety of the baby. 

If you enjoyed this glimpse into newborn photography retouching, leave me a comment below! If there is any interest, I may share some additional behind-the-scenes posts!

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  • LindaI just saw this on the NAPCP website and wanted to see more of your work. Your work is really beautiful. Thanks for showing the before and after versions of your work.ReplyCancel

    • adminThank you so much, Linda — I really appreciate your kind words! And I’m so glad that you enjoyed the retouching examples!ReplyCancel

What could be better for a dreary Monday morning than a happy little 2-week-old bear cub?  I was so excited to meet this cutie and see his sweet family again this weekend (I photographed his big brother as a newborn - little leas than 2 years ago). 💚

Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
Your daily serotonin boost. 💕
How could this gorgeous brand new baby girl not bring a smile to your face? 

#maylandnewbornphotographer #dcnewbornphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #napcp #potomacmoms #bethesdanewbornphotographer
That feeling when you realize that it is almost February already….I know that everyone jokes about how January drags by, but this year it seems like it flew by at lightning speed!
On that note, my remaining February openings are also getting snapped up at lightning speed, so if you are interested in a February (or March) date, don’t hesitate to secure your spot on my calendar. 

#potomacnewbornphotographer #dcnewbornphotographer #marylandnewbornphotographer

Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
This beautiful girl - just 3 weeks new - came to see me for her newborn portraits this weekend. She was one of the most attentive and observant newborns I have photographed…she maintained eye contact with me when I talked to her and seemed to be listening to every word - it was the sweetest thing! ❤️

I know I say it all the time, but how lucky am I to have a job that involves snuggling impossibly adorable, precious new little ones, and documenting one of the most significant milestones in their families lives?  A dream! ❤️


Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
Hi. ❤️
Welcome to the world, sweet boy!

If you would like to document your little one’s first weeks, don’t hesitate to get in touch! I am now booking newborn sessions through summer 2025.

#dcnewbornphotographer #dcmom #washingtonparents #washingtondcbabyphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #bethesdababyphotographer #bethesdamoms #mocoparents #moconewbornphotographer #marylandnewbornphotographer #virginianewbornphotographer
This little beauty came to the studio a few days ago for her newborn portraits.  Isn’t she perfect in pink? 💕

#dcnewbornphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #newbornbaby #marylandnewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #newbornphotographerwashingtondc #rockvillenewbornphotographer #dcmom #potomacmoms #apnpimember #napcp #cabinjohnvillage #potomacphotographer #thehillishome
follow me @tinakraftsphotography

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located in bethesda, Maryland