Custom Photography

Custom photography is essential for clients who value art, an individualized portrait experience, and superior client service.

My objective in providing a custom photography experience is to create images that reflect my clients’ personalities, style, and vision for their portraits, and to assist them in selecting the best means of displaying and preserving those images.  The experience begins with a pre-session consultation, during which we will discuss your preferences for particular poses, color schemes, and props. I maintain an extensive, carefully curated collection of high-quality props at my studio that are available for your use — including, hats, headbands, wraps, rompers, blankets, baskets, bowls, etc. —  so you do not need to worry about providing any items for your session. However, I am always happy to incorporate family heirlooms or other items of special significance that will make your portraits uniquely yours.

Following your session, I spend many hours retouching and editing your images to ensure that I provide you with polished images in which everyone looks their best. In addition, I will personally meet with you at my studio to present a slideshow containing your final images. At that time, I will assist you in making your image selections — I am able to guide you through my portrait collections, show you actual samples of product options (including color and material swatches for albums and premium frames), demonstrate how your images will look in various sizes and configurations on the walls of your home, and assist you in choosing images for your custom wall gallery or album.

In my experience, it can be very advantageous to have someone guide you through the ordering process and demonstrate how to best showcase your images, which is why I prefer in-person ordering sessions. Nothing breaks my heart more than hearing that people who receive or purchase digital files often simply file away their downloaded images or flash drive, and never actually get around to printing their images. Not only are they not reaping the benefits of the time and money they invested in their portrait session, but they are also missing out on the daily enjoyment of the art — the beautiful pictures of their loved ones — that they helped to create.

What could be better for a dreary Monday morning than a happy little 2-week-old bear cub?  I was so excited to meet this cutie and see his sweet family again this weekend (I photographed his big brother as a newborn - little leas than 2 years ago). 💚

Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
Your daily serotonin boost. 💕
How could this gorgeous brand new baby girl not bring a smile to your face? 

#maylandnewbornphotographer #dcnewbornphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #napcp #potomacmoms #bethesdanewbornphotographer
That feeling when you realize that it is almost February already….I know that everyone jokes about how January drags by, but this year it seems like it flew by at lightning speed!
On that note, my remaining February openings are also getting snapped up at lightning speed, so if you are interested in a February (or March) date, don’t hesitate to secure your spot on my calendar. 

#potomacnewbornphotographer #dcnewbornphotographer #marylandnewbornphotographer

Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
This beautiful girl - just 3 weeks new - came to see me for her newborn portraits this weekend. She was one of the most attentive and observant newborns I have photographed…she maintained eye contact with me when I talked to her and seemed to be listening to every word - it was the sweetest thing! ❤️

I know I say it all the time, but how lucky am I to have a job that involves snuggling impossibly adorable, precious new little ones, and documenting one of the most significant milestones in their families lives?  A dream! ❤️


Every morning you have two choices:
1. Continue to sleep with your dreams or;
2. Wake up and chase them….

“Ok Monday - let’s DO THIS!!”

We are a group of photographers who refuse to let #monday dull our sparkle! Join us in our rebellion #togsmondayrebellion
Hi. ❤️
Welcome to the world, sweet boy!

If you would like to document your little one’s first weeks, don’t hesitate to get in touch! I am now booking newborn sessions through summer 2025.

#dcnewbornphotographer #dcmom #washingtonparents #washingtondcbabyphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #bethesdababyphotographer #bethesdamoms #mocoparents #moconewbornphotographer #marylandnewbornphotographer #virginianewbornphotographer
This little beauty came to the studio a few days ago for her newborn portraits.  Isn’t she perfect in pink? 💕

#dcnewbornphotographer #potomacnewbornphotographer #newbornbaby #marylandnewbornphotographer #newbornphotography #newbornphotographerwashingtondc #rockvillenewbornphotographer #dcmom #potomacmoms #apnpimember #napcp #cabinjohnvillage #potomacphotographer #thehillishome
follow me @tinakraftsphotography

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telephone (301)960-8340

located in bethesda, Maryland